Google Group has been developing cloud computing services

On January 16, Google, the world's leading provider of Internet services, announced the installation of a three-conductor, cross-sea fiber system to establish a cloud computing service that extends across five continents.

Google's cloud computing vice president Ben Treynor Sloss said that in the past three years, the company spent about $ 30 billion to upgrade its transmission infrastructure. These include plans to establish a high-quality cloud service network that will enable end-users to experience the superior service provided by the provider.


(Nguồn: Lifehacker Australia)

Google is upgrading system capacity in the Netherlands, Montreal (Canada), Finland, Hong Kong (China) and Los Angeles (USA) this year.

According to plan, next year, the company will also put into use 3 cables across the sea. The Curie cable connecting Chile and Los Angeles will be the first transcontinental cable not owned by a telecommunications company.

Havrue cable connects the US with Denmark and Ireland in Europe on the basis of a partnership between Google and the social network Facebook and other companies.

The third cable system connects Hong Kong (China) with Guam Island in the Pacific to improve Internet capacity between Australia and other Asian locations.

Mr. Sloss said the new cabling system will enable the company to deliver faster, more reliable and larger cloud computing services.

Today, Google provides 25% of the demand for Internet connectivity worldwide. In the cloud computing segment, the corporation and Amazon Web Services are competing to become trusted providers for companies.