Simple home decor tips to help attract talents in 2018

There are many other simple tips Feng Shui help your house to attract money, good business.

Feng shui is very important, attention should be in your home. How much suffering, luck or fortune, fortune also influenced more or less. Learn how to arrange and repair some items in the house to attract more new year's fortune.

1. Doors

Keep your habit of opening at least once a day. This is just a way to bring natural air into the house and call for good energy you should not ignore. The area in front of the house should always be kept clean, no garbage or furniture indiscriminate. Regularly clean the carpet in front of the house and do not forget a few pots ornamental plants or flower pots. In addition, many people have also installed lights with high capacity, high brightness so that the house is always filled with energy."The coat really made peacock" and the first point you need to pay attention to is the door area. Doors are not only welcoming guests home, guests to play but also the "pick up" the good air.

The details are very small but you should not ignore, that is: Wipe the table number or never let the doorbell break, especially in the new year.

2. Hanging wind chimes or coin ropes

A simpler way to welcome your fortune is to hang up the wind chimes at the front door. The wind chime will attract attention, inviting good luck, peace for your life.

If you love quiet space, you can change the wind chimes with coins. Coins are rounded to represent the sky, the middle is the square hole representing the earth. Heaven outside, land in the symbol of prosperity. Hanging crosses and connecting them with a red cord, then hanging up the doors will help keep energy in the money. Use 9 or 6 coins for the main door and the remaining doors to hang less.

3. Planting feng shui trees

Trees bring quite a lot of benefits, especially the succulent plants are the symbol of sandy so people are popular. You can choose well-planted trees where light, sufficient watering will promote good fortune. Trees of the year-long tree, herbs, burning hollow with the meaning of many substances. Trees are easy to sprout buds and live very well. Many people think of trees to bring luck and fortune for the family.